
How does Air Quality Affect Prenatal and Early Childhood Development?

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November 7, 2017

How does air quality affect pre and postnatal outcomes? We’ve teamed up with Brown University’s Baby Imaging Lab to find out.

We’re proud to announce a partnership with Brown University’s Baby Imaging Lab to collaborate on “Resonance,” a project that is part of the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program.

Resonance is a seven-year longitudinal study that focuses on understanding how different environmental factors can affect child neurodevelopment. To help with this effort, Awair Glows will be placed in the homes of approximately 1,100 expecting mothers and mothers with children between 3 months and 5 years of age. Glow will help the Baby Imaging Lab track how air quality affects neurodevelopment of children in-utero and post-birth.

“What we’re very excited about with using the Awair Glow is that we’ll be able to see how changes in air quality such as VOCs or particulate concentration levels affect neurodevelopment at a young age,” says Joesph Braun, assistant professor at Brown University.

Along with other environmental factors, the Baby Imaging Lab will be collecting data about the homes’ levels of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, and chemicals with the help of Awair Glow to understand how these factors affect childhood obesity, asthma, and other pre- and postnatal outcomes.

We’re very excited to be able to participate in such an important study, and we look forward to sharing the results with you!
